How does Clutter affect your Health? [Infographic] — ecogreenlove

There are several detrimental health effects that have been associated with the amount of clutter in your home. Clutter’s impact on our senses makes it difficult to focus on important or difficult tasks, invading both our physical and mental space, stopping us from thinking creatively and productively. Read more here.

How does Clutter affect your Health? [Infographic] | ecogreenlove Visuals by Blinds Hut
via How does Clutter affect your Health? [Infographic] — ecogreenlove

2 thoughts on “How does Clutter affect your Health? [Infographic] — ecogreenlove

  1. I’m sure this is beneficial to some people but a total lack of clutter in my home makes me feel as if I don’t get to live here. And a moderate amount of clutter is comforting to me. As for my health, it’s the same that it’s been for 35+ years, osteoarthritis in one hip and sometimes in my legs, low thyroid, moderate depression, all treated and all managed fine. So this study seems somewhat canted towards results that say clutter makes people sick.

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    1. I believe that it is referring to excess clutter which in many case influence the flow of energy through a space. As a user of Feng Shui I believe there are things that influence the energy around us and a good flow of energy gives us a healthier environment. As in all things what one consider clutter may be considered comfortably lived in for another.


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