CATHERINE FROMPOVICH: “Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?”

Very Informative

Circle of the Dolphins

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Ever since I began studying nutrition and holistic health sciences in the 1970s, I’ve been concerned about the irresponsible ways certain elements on the Periodic Table are used by science, technology, agriculture, food processing, and even medicine.

Toxic Heavy Metals in Air, Food and Water: Is Technology to Blame?

Recent revelations of toxic heavy metals, e.g., lead in Flint, Michigan’s municipal water supply [1]—and others [2]; chemicals such as PFOAs and PFOSs in municipal and private wells polluted by the U.S. Naval Air Station in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania [3] and the chemical industry also contaminating numerous localities’ [9] underground water aquifers; plus exorbitant amounts of aluminum in Mount Shasta, California rain water [4] must be taken seriously by everyone, but most of all, by those responsible for manufacturing and spreading toxic pollution; by the ‘paper tiger’ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—whom does EPA protect—polluters?; and, particularly, the do-nothing, heavily-lobbied U.S. Congress.

Most of the toxic heavy metal contamination usually and inadvertently occurs as…

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