STEPHANIE LUCAS: “5 Ancient Interpretations for The Meaning of the Tree of Life”

Circle of the Dolphins

Tree of Life

The essence and meaning of the Tree of Life in many modern interpretations is believed to connect all forms of creation. The image is widely thought to represent the Divine Creator, and it is revered as the representation of the interconnectedness of all sentient beings. Today’s interpretation is an excellent summation of the various mythical and religious interpretations the Tree of Life throughout history.

1. Christianity – The Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden

Within the center of the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was said to grow alongside the Tree of Life according to many Christian translations; however, it’s still hotly debated among various sects as to whether these two trees are actually one and the same. It seems that most interpretations across the board, indeed view these trees to be one and the same.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica,

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Dance of the Divine

That is so beautiful!